FIDM students are encouraged to intern through the school towards the middle/end of their program; in my case next quarter starting April 8th.
Note: Some of you may be asking "What happened to your Baby Phat Footwear Internship?" I held it for one quarter and my time is now complete. But not without an appearance on the first episode of Life in the Fab Lane Season 3!
I learned a lot during my time in the showroom especially about the relationship between licensees and the parent brand.
Now back to my current journey...
Note: For those of you unfamiliar with my blog you might want to read this first.When I first left Point A I had some idea of in what direction I was headed to reach a semi-set Point B. But since starting this blog, joining the team at AndSpeakingofPink and now recognition from Twitter, I have to wonder...am I Changing Lanes?
I would love to work in a Product Development capacity and intern in a more direct manor concerning my newly gained skills. But then something happened....an internship opportunity at LA2Day Magazine. I will write more about that in another post, what I will say is that I am a major fan of the mag and that I can't wait to blog with you about how my journey goes.
So the position is for Editorial Assistant and of course this is not Product Development but Journalism. I have to be honest, when I was asked to come aboard I panicked. "So what do I do? Should I take it and then just do a PD internship working one day a week through FIDM next quarter? Companies are still calling requesting an interview...should I go on them or call them and tell them respectfully that I have found a company and to keep me in mind for future opportunities?" I chose the latter.
Travelers, I am riding out on faith, and I think that you should too!
Sometimes along our Freeway we find ourselves changing lanes and riding a Connector. Stay on and ride it out, one of the great things about changing lanes on the same Freeway is that you can always change back.
I am very excited about where this new lane will take me. In the meantime I will be watching Running in Heels on the Style Network! Being a new intern in the journalism world I am addicted to the assignments and antics of interns Samantha, Ashley, and Talita!
Happy Travels!
"One Step Forward, Just Glance Back. No Fear, Just DIVA!"