Staci Rutherford, creator Handbag Report and FIDM Alum
6:01 PMTime is drawing closer to the start of the Fall Quarter at FIDM in LA and I am excited and nervous. One of my greatest fears after acceptance was not just paying for school but also being one of the few students who is not straight out of high school. I have a BA and am not so fresh out of college either so with this experience under my belt I wondered how exactly does this Professional Designation program work and how did someone who has been where I am headed handle this situation
Well through the previously mentioned Fashion Industry Network I was connected with Staci Rutherford of The Handbag Report. Staci has built an amazing business and website by using amazing Connectors and trusting her internal Road Map. She was willing to share her story and FIDM/LA experience with us and I hope this helps and inspires other Prof Des students the way it has helped and inspired me. And if you are a reader of this blog and are considering FIDM I definitely recommend contacting the school and getting a counselor to help you along, but it's great to hear it from someone who has actually been there. So for this edition of Road know the drill:
My Road Map has been a roller coaster rather than a straight path to the finish line. From Hampton,VA to Washington, DC to Columbia, SC to Los Angeles, CA to Philadelphia, PA and back to Columbia, SC, you would begin to wonder if my life had any direction. My interest in fashion began at a young age. At that time, I was unaware of the many areas of fashion and careers associated with it. Eventually I abandoned my plans to attend law school, gave into the passion that burned inside me and went to fashion school. As my vision became more clear, my Road Map was constantly changing.

- You were a part of the Proff. Desg program at FIDM. What made you decide to go back to school in general and then why FIDM?
- Did you face any challenges with relocation?
- How did you balance work, school, building your business?
- Did you always know that you would end up in VA? Basically how did you decide to not stay in LA?

Images are courtesy of Staci's blog Handbag Report