I am Interviewing!

11:17 AM

That's right thanks to Craigslist, StyleCareers, and soon the career fair at FIDM. I am getting offers and it's nice to have options, but what I would like to talk about is know what you are worth.

For anyone who has been long term unemployed any job offer is a Godsend and we end up taking the first one that comes and end up miserable. That has happened to me more times than I can count and left me in a worse position than when I was unemployed. So there are three points that I want to make so you don't end up like me:

  1. Know Your Worth
  2. The First Offer is not Always the Best Offer
  3. It's Okay to Move On (or Keep Looking)
Know Your Worth - read your resume to yourself out loud. Do you know how good that sounds? You are great!! You have good stories to tell and even if your previous experience is not directly related to the job you are currently applying for but that is where TRANSFERABLE SKILLS come into play. Office skills, multi-line phones, delegating, budget planning, leading staff meetings, merchandising product, all those skills can transfer to almost any position.

The First Offer is not Always the Best Offer - If you know you applied to many different places and you still have not heard back from your number one choice it's okay to wait it out. But wait smart, don't let the other interviewers know that you are looking at other places, when you are offered the job ask them how soon do they need an answer, most places are lenient but if they pressure you for an answer right away ask for 48 hours and call your first choice for an update. Tell them that you are calling "Just to touch bases and answer any further questions they (name the person that interviewed you) may have" After 48 hours feel free to accept the other job offer if you still have not heard from your first choice.

It's Okay to Move On or Keep Looking - Now what happens when you receive that job offer from your first choice after you have accepted the offer from another company? Weigh your options and be honest with yourself. If you will be in a better position to move on do so. This also applies for if you are unhappy with your current position. There is no harm in looking while still employed or taking on an unpaid internship position that will help get you to your Point B while your current job pays the bills until you can move on.

Happy Travels and feel free to share your experiences I want your opinions.

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