Redirecting the Route

10:17 AM

I have to be honest travelers I lost my way when it comes to the direction of this blog. I lost what it was I wanted to do with it and how I wanted to use it to help guide us all along our Fashion Freeway.

My posts became more personal and not giving universal information that can be used across the board. There are internship posts, event invitations, and other forms of networking that my Travelers can take advantage of that I'm just not posting. And yet I have the nerve to complain about students not taking advantage of what is out there to help them build their careers. So it's up to me to change that.

I want to teach my Travelers to adopt the mantra that is this blog "No Fear, Just DIVA" I want to write more about the books that I am reading and do reviews on them. Article overviews and even international magazine suggestions.

So here we go Travelers! It's a new season and a new day! I'm ready to redirect my route of this blog and get everyone back on track with their Freeway! Who's with me!?

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