Bug Lists: How to Use What Bothers You Most to Move You Forward

1:45 PM

Happy Wednesday Travelers,

Lately I have been experiencing a serious She-Rah-esqe vibe. It may be a combination of the sermon's that I have been exposed to of late professing the power of the woman, mixed in with the recent victories of so many female US athletes, either neither I have been all "I can conquer the fashion entire world!" (insert DVF comic book here)  

This is feeling was momentarily challenged after a recent conversation with a friend regarding the end of summer being optional...huh?? Our conversation went a little like this:
Me: Enjoy what's left of summer.
Friend: It's summer year round when you have access to the tropics.

Whelp that's that then huh?? I mean the conversation really had me thrown, like wait a minute...do I have that kind of access?? I felt so...limited. There are many times when I will read about the travels of my twitter follows and marvel in envy at the way they are able to pick up, go, and stay. As a Pisces I can really get into the idea of free ebb and flow, but is it what I really want? No, I like the idea of the access but I wouldn't use it as much, but that's besides the point. My thing is if I can conquer the world what is keeping me from doing so? What is keeping the chick on the outside from being the woman on the inside that I see in my head? I wasn't really sure but I am ready to find out and STAT! Summer is almost over after all...

So I got out my pen and paper and started to create a Bug List. Have you ever tried it travelers?? Making a list of the things that bug you about a certain topic? Well I have come to find that this list (in no particular order), has helped me with tackling bad habits that I would like to eliminate (like putting my clothes away rather then letting them fall where they please) and even addresses long ignored tasks that would make my life much easier (like getting my vacuum fixed). I really feel this list is the first step to us getting out of our own way and being proactive to live the life we see inside our heads. Here are a few examples of my bug list:
  • Not cooking enough - Learn to make more dishes (Solution: I choose 3 recipes every 2 weeks to cook and try out 1 Breakfast, 1 Entre, 1 Dessert) 
  • Tidier apartment! - No adult should live in all my clothing clutter (Solution: Put clothes away after they have been washed or taken off after the day- or rejected from the "Should I Wear This Today" pile)
  • Build a better social network - Too many networks/groups (Solution: Re-evaluate Twitter follows, LinkedIn groups, and Facebook fan pages...do you need all of them?? Which can you get rid of, which should you interact with more?? Quality not Quantity)
  • Be accountable to self - this is the hardest one on my list and I am still pondering...it is easy to complete a task at work when being fired is not the desired outcome, but since I don't and can't fire myself, what is motivating me to remain accountable and follow through on select tasks at hand? What is keeping me from pushing me and moving past just okay? 
So I hope that gives you a good idea of what I mean by a bug list, also note that nothing that I said was self-depreciating, this is not an opportunity to beat up on yourself! As a began to review my list I began to categorize the items on the list with Right Now (tasks that can be handled now - like my vacuum), Self (not a task per se but internal reflections of personal habits that need to change or update) Career (what directly effects my career) Social (this deals with things regarding my sorority, nonprofits, or networks...including this blog).

Try it out and let me know it has helped you move forward on your Freeway; I promise to keep you updated.

Happy Travels!

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