Guess Again

2:16 PM

**Originally Written 1/10/09**

While cooking Christmas dinner with a friend she and I were discussing our jobs and how although we are grateful to have them we are unfulfilled in them. But these are the jobs we have, and our source to pay tuition and provide the minimum of our basic needs.

So what’s a student during the middle of a recession to do? Keep looking, Keep volunteering, and talking to people. Treat the job you have now as if it were the best job in the world. Now you have the time and the luxury to be selective about your next position.

My personal delima at my current position is that I am bored. But it’s not up to my store manager to entertain me, so what are my options? Here’s what I came up with:

• Use the clothes in the store to test myself in Textile Science
• I’m not the top seller so work harder to meet my sales goals
• Product knowledge

This is my second time working for this company. I chose to go back because I had a really great experience while an undergrad and left with corporate aspirations. The company has expanded greatly and is a perfect example of successful brand extensions. I’m afraid that leaving the company twice will hurt any chances of a corporate offer.

Weeks ago my career advisor asked for a coverletter for this company and due to a lack of prioritizing, I never turned it in. Nonetheless I am working on it now and have plans to turn it in the first week of school. But the fact that I have put it off so much makes me wonder if my heart is really in it? When I think about everything that I have done and am willing to do for my internship how I break my back to show my supervisor that I really want and appreciate my position, putting off this coverletter makes me think.

A friend and smart business person once stated that being a good sales person transcends industries and this is so true. So I will work on my sales skills, write this letter, and let all else fall into place.


As of today I have gone 3 consecutive weeks without a schedule and have decided to put in my Two Weeks Notice. I have been fighting with this because of fear mostly. But in closing this door I am hoping it will open another. I will keep you posted...

Happy Travels

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